Working to make government more effective

Bank of England

Public finances

We analyse tax, spending and wider economic policy, looking at how it can most effectively be designed, implemented and where government falls short.

Our research, events and commentary look at fiscal policy – tax, spending, borrowing and debt – and economic policy and how decisions are made and implemented. We highlight how government can most effectively achieve its objectives in these areas and where and how the approach of government – including ministers and officials – can be improved.   

We address these questions using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Our recent and ongoing work in this area includes evaluating the government’s approach to ‘levelling up’ regional economic performance, looking at how government could more effectively incentivise business investment and examining how tax policy making can be improved.  


Before and after major fiscal events we look at the key issues facing the government and assess the main choices it makes, drawing on expertise from across the Institute.

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Rishi Sunak holding a budget case