Working to make government more effective

Ian Magee

Former Senior Fellow

Until 2005, Ian was 2nd Permanent Secretary at the Department for Constitutional Affairs and Head of Profession for Operational Delivery for the whole Civil Service. He has been a CEO of three different Executive Agencies. Ian was a member of the Capability Review team for the Cabinet Office.

Ian has followed a portfolio career since leaving the civil service. For 5 years, he was a Senior Adviser to Booz & Company, international management consultants. He has chaired several Top Management Programmes and is an Executive Coach to senior civil servants and others. Current roles include chairing the Geographic Information Group, an Advisory Committee of BIS; and membership of two private sector Boards.

Ian conducted reviews of criminality information for the Home Secretary (2008) and the Legal Services Commission for the Justice Secretary (2010). Ian has a special interest in public sector leadership.

Ian is co-author of the Institute's studies into Government ICT and Arm's Length Bodies; and is currently working on our accountability project.

All work

22 JUN 2012 Report

System upgrade?

This report examines the first year of the Government’s ICT strategy.

09 DEC 2011 Comment

Bite-sized IT

Concerns over NHS IT system costs throws into sharp relief the need to adopt a radically-different approach to public procurement and service delivery

15 JUL 2010 Report

Read Before Burning

Our recommendations for increasing the effectiveness and accountability of arm's-length bodies.