Working to make government more effective

Alex was a researcher in the devolution team, where he focused on sub-national governance in England. 

Alex studied German, Russian and politics at university. He started his career as the Coordinator of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), and was subsequently Regional Manager for Europe and lead Russia analyst in the country forecasting unit at the Economist Intelligence Unit. He has been a visiting fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin and the Polish Institute for International Affairs in Warsaw, and has also worked at the Civic Assistance Committee in Moscow. Since 2017, he has been an Associate Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.  

In 2014-16, Alex was a member of the Chatham House Council (the board of trustees). 


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15 JAN 2025 Explainer

Local government unitarisation

Unitarisation is a type of local government reorganisation that replaces separate county and district councils with a single tier of local authorities

07 MAY 2024 Explainer

Mayor of the West Midlands

On 2 May 2024, voters in Birmingham and six neighbouring local areas elected Richard Parker as the mayor of the West Midlands.

04 MAY 2024 Explainer

Mayor of Greater Manchester

On 2 May 2024, Andy Burnham was elected for the third time as mayor of Greater Manchester

10 MAY 2023 Interview

Helen Liddell

Baroness Liddell discusses entering government in 1997, the challenges of running the Scotland Office and transitioning from government to diplomacy.

02 FEB 2023 Report

Net zero and devolution

The UK government’s current top-down approach to net zero has hamstrung locally elected mayors’ efforts to deliver net zero.

07 OCT 2022 Interview

Jim Murphy

Jim Murphy reflects on his time as secretary of state for Scotland and as a junior minister