Working to make government more effective

Thomas Pope

Deputy Chief Economist

Tom is the deputy chief economist and works within the public finances team. He leads the Institute’s work on levelling up and leads and contributes to projects on public services, fiscal policy and regulation.  

Tom has an MSc in economics and was previously an economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, working on tax policy and public finances, before joining IfG in 2019. 

All work

25 JUL 2022 Explainer

Competition and Markets Authority

The Competition and Markets Authority is the UK’s principal authority responsible for competition and consumer protection.

15 JUL 2022 Insight paper

Levelling up and innovation

A review on what innovation policies are likely to contribute to levelling up by increasing productivity in places outside of London and South East.

15 JUL 2022 Insight paper

Levelling up and infrastructure policy

A review on what infrastructure policies are likely to contribute to levelling up by increasing productivity in places outside the South East.

15 JUL 2022 Insight paper

Levelling up and skills policy

This insight reviews the evidence on what skills policies are likely to contribute to levelling up by increasing productivity in places outside of Lon

16 MAR 2022 Explainer

Fiscal rules in the UK since 1997 

Fiscal rules are restrictions on fiscal policy set by a government to constrain its own decisions on spending and taxes.