Working to make government more effective


Our publications showcase the IfG’s sector-leading research, giving readers an impartial and evidence-based analysis of what makes good government.

Our publications showcase the IfG’s sector-leading research, giving readers an impartial and evidence-based analysis of what makes good government – and what could be improved.  

Insight papers offer a concise run-down of key issues, including our snap analysis of current events such as changes of government or emerging external challenges.

Analysis papers and longer reports dig deeper, drawing on long-running research projects, data analysis and interviews with experts and other key figures to answer the big questions facing government today, such as how to reform the civil service, the role of the tax system or the use of evidence in policy making.  

Our three data-driven reports – Whitehall Monitor, Parliamentary Monitor and Performance Tracker – provide an unrivalled stocktake of the civil service, parliament and public services respectively.

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Displaying 171 - 180 of 606 results
21 MAR 2022 Report

WhatsApp in government

Government must introduce rigorous WhatsApp guidance for ministers, special advisers and officials.

18 MAR 2022 Report

Living without Russian gas

To manage the impact of a potential cut-off of Russian gas, governments across Europe need to plan now.

15 MAR 2022 Report

Agriculture after Brexit

The government risks its reforms being seen as a failure by some (if not all) of farmers, environmentalists, taxpayers and consumers.

02 MAR 2022 Report

Better policy making

How government – both ministers and officials – could change to make policy better.