Working to make government more effective

Maddy Thimont Jack


Maddy was an associate director on the Institute for Government’s Brexit team. She led our work on parliament's role in the Brexit process, and regularly represented the Institute on national and international news media. She also conducted research on devolution. She studied History at the University of Sheffield and completed a Master’s in Global Politics at the London School of Economics in 2015.

Previously, Maddy worked as a research assistant at BritainThinks on a range of projects for clients across the private and public sectors. She also completed an internship with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York.

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16 MAY 2017 Explainer

Common Agricultural Policy

The Common Agricultural Policy is the EU policy to provide financial support to farmers in member states.

17 FEB 2017 Explainer

Common Fisheries Policy

The UK receives €243.1m in subsidies between 2014 and 2020 under the CFP. After Brexit, those subsidies will end.

16 JAN 2017 Explainer

EU Withdrawal Act 2018

We explain the legislation which allowed the UK to leave the EU, how much time was spent debating it and why it was needed.

16 JAN 2017 Explainer

European Communities Act 1972

The European Communities Act 1972 was the piece of legislation that brought the UK into the Europe Union: it gives EU law supremacy over UK national l