Working to make government more effective


Our explainers cover key subjects relating to our work, setting out key facts and figures and answering the most important questions about government.

What is a budget? How are general elections called? What does the cabinet secretary do?  

From topical explanations of cabinet reshuffles or new legislation to the details of parliamentary process or important government institutions, our explainers are easily digestible short-reads.

Compiled by our experts and constantly updated, our explainers cover key subjects relating to our work, setting out key facts and figures and answering the most important questions about government.

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Displaying 11 - 20 of 592
29 JUL 2024 Explainer

Whips: what is their role?

Whips are MPs and peers affiliated to a political party appointed to ensure their party colleagues vote according to the leader’s agenda.

25 JUL 2024 Explainer

Sewel convention

How the Sewel convention works in practice and what happens when devolved consent is withheld.

06 JUL 2024 Explainer

Official opposition

As the second largest party in the House of Commons, the Conservative party is the current official opposition.

06 JUL 2024 Explainer

Payroll vote

The 'payroll vote' is the body of MPs who hold offices that require them to support the government.

06 JUL 2024 Explainer

King's Speech

The King's Speech is part of the State Opening of Parliament, the formal beginning of each new session of parliament.