Working to make government more effective

Tom Sasse

Former Associate Director

Tom was an associate director. He led the Institute’s work on policy making including its programme on net zero, and projects drawing lessons from a wide range of successful and unsuccessful policies.  

Tom joined the Institute in 2017 and previously led research on outsourcing, civil service reform and the government’s response to Covid-19 – and often discusses public policy issues on the media. He delivered the Institute’s training programme on how UK government and parliament works. 

Before joining the IfG, Tom worked at the Open Data Institute, where he advised governments and businesses on data policy, and the think tank Reform, where he researched health and criminal justice.  

Tom is also a trustee at Hackney Migrant Centre, a local charity that provides advice to refugees and asylum seekers. 

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17 APR 2023 Report

Tackling obesity

Government squeamishness on tackling obesity will mean higher taxes and lower productivity.

24 FEB 2023 Explainer

Asylum backlog

The asylum backlog refers to the number of people seeking asylum in the UK who are awaiting a decision on their case.

02 FEB 2023 Report

Net zero and devolution

The UK government’s current top-down approach to net zero has hamstrung locally elected mayors’ efforts to deliver net zero.