Working to make government more effective

Elspeth Nicholson

Former research assistant

Elspeth was a research assistant working on the Institute's devolution programme. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in Politics in May 2019. She previously worked at the Constitution Unit as a volunteer researcher, working on Alan Renwick's Northern Ireland Border Poll project.

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26 FEB 2021 Report

Funding devolution

Since March 2020 an extra £19 billion has been sent from the UK Treasury to the three devolved nations to tackle Covid.

18 AUG 2020 Explainer

Devolution and the NHS

In the UK, the NHS is the umbrella term for the four health systems of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

16 JAN 2018 Explainer

Sewel convention

How the Sewel convention works in practice and what happens when devolved consent is withheld.