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Scrutinising Brexit: in conversation with Danuta Hübner MEP

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome Professor Danuta Hübner MEP, chair of the European Parliament’s influential Constitutional Affai

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome Professor Danuta Hübner MEP, chair of the European Parliament’s influential Constitutional Affairs Committee, charged with scrutinising the Brexit negotiations and considering whether the Parliament should approve the eventual withdrawal agreement.

She was in conversation with Bronwen Maddox, Director of the Institute for Government. Professor Hübner discussed the negotiations so far and the role of MEPs in scrutinising the final deal.

Professor Hübner has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2009 and became the chair of the Constitutional Affairs committee in 2014. She served as the European Commissioner for trade and regional policy in the first Barroso Commission, as well as Poland’s Minister for European Affairs before accession in 2004.



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