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Brexit: what next? What 2021 means for the UK and the EU

The new EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement now governs the UK’s trading and security relationship with the EU. But Brexit is still not done.

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The UK left the transition period at 11pm 31 December 2020. The new EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement now governs the UK’s trading and security relationship with the EU. But Brexit is still not done.

As businesses adjust to new arrangements and the government grapples with the implications of the Christmas Eve deal, the Institute for Government Brexit team is joined by Professor Anand Menon to discuss the impact of the changing trading relationship already being felt on the ground, where gaps remain, what more the government needs to do to help businesses and individuals, and how the UK–EU relationship may change in the months ahead.


  • Professor Anand Menon, Director of UK in a Changing Europe
  • Joe Marshall, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Government
  • Jess Sargeant, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Government
  • Maddy Thimont Jack, Associate Director at the Institute for Government

The event will be chaired by Jill Rutter, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government.


Institute for Government

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