Working to make government more effective

Tom Gash

Senior Fellow

Tom Gash advises national and regional governments on crime policy and government effectiveness. He was part of the Institute’s initial set-up team in 2008 and was the Institute’s Director of Research from 2013-2015. Prior to joining the Institute, Tom was a senior crime policy adviser in the Strategy Unit and before that a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. He is also a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the LSE’s Mannheim Centre for Criminology.

Tom contributes to a range of Institute projects in a part-time capacity, drawing on his past work on a range of topics relating to government effectiveness:

Tom’s new book on crime policy Criminal: The Truth About Why People Do Bad Things (Penguin, Allen Lane, 2016) was described as ‘an arresting take on crime’ by The Evening Standard and as ‘enlightening on crime in modern society as any book’ by The Times. He is a regular commentator for national radio, print and television and speaks for specialist and non-specialist audiences in the UK and abroad.

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10 AUG 2016 Comment

Government gets commercial

DWP's progress in reforming its commercial function is one of several reasons to be optimistic about the government commercial profession